IPL Hair Removal
The revolutionary long-term solution to unwanted hair – IPL Hair Removal.
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Hair Removal is a fast, safe & highly effective method of hair reduction that is tried & tested to give long-term results.
We can treat most areas of the face and body and common areas include underarms, bikini, Brazilian, upper lip, chin & male shoulders, back and chest. All our machines are medical-grade with in-built cooling to offer you a safe & comfortable treatment.
✓ IPL Hair Removal is a proven method to remove unwanted hair
✓ Treatment is comfortable and safe
✓ The process works – most people experience long-lasting hair removal or even permanent hair reduction.
✓ The method is effective for removing hair from large areas such as backs or legs as well as small areas such as the upper lip.
Safe, pain free and effective long-term removal of unwanted hair.
Call Today
+61 755 313 738
(Opening hours 9am – 5pm | Monday – Saturday)
Treatment Recovery Time
24 – 48 hours
Treatment Duration
30 – 45 minutes
Treatment Pricing
Starting from $50
When Results Are Visible
Within 7 days
The light from the IPL hand piece targets the pigment (which gives hair its colour) in the hair follicle deep in the skin. The light is attracted to the pigment in the follicle and heats it up, inhibiting it from being able to grow new hair in future.
Hair grows in 3 phases and is treatable in the first “anagen” active growing phase. Therefore, 6 – 8 sessions, generally 4 weeks apart, are required to target all hair in the active growth phase.
Below is a breakdown of costs for IPL for Pigmentation.
Consultation – FREE
We will give you a call to go over anything on the phone and book a time convenient for you to come in & a have a free consult with one of our expert practitioners
Book your free consultation right now ➔
Upper Lip = $30
Upper Lip & Chin = $40
Half Face = $60
Half Arms = $135
Full Arms = $210
Half Legs = $150
Full Legs = $260
Snail Trail = $50
Feet & Toes = $55
Underarms = $55
Bikini = $65
Underarms & Bikini = $99
Female Brazilian = $110
Quarter Back = $100
Half Back = $180
Full Back = $290
Book Your Free Consultation
Our team of experts will be in touch to find the very best time for your consultation & talk through your questions on the phone.
Your questions, answered
Does it hurt?
It is a sensation you are likely not used to. But at most it’s just a slight discomfort.
Is it right for me?
IPL treatment is ideal to even your skin tone and texture, whilst eliminating imperfections.
However to be sure of your options let’s talk. With a quick phone call with one of our experts you can be sure, at the heart of what we do at White Rooms is client care and education.
Is IPL Treatment safe?
There are no long-term health risks associated with this procedure.